Kissed by a Flame
ROLE 1: Jamie (Male, 35 – 45)
Jamie is about to lose his partner, Teddy to cancer. The play explores the days leading up to Teddy’s death and the days thereafter. Jamie is finding the lead-out of Teddy’s life extremely difficult. Guilty for not being able to help Teddy. Guilty about feeling guilty when he feels he needs to stay strong for Teddy, and fearful being the one left behind once Teddy has passed. Jamie represents the grief and loss. This is an emotionally challenging role, and some may find it quite triggering, if faced similar experiences of loss. The script will be shared in advance of accepting an offer for the role.
ROLE 2: Teddy (Male, 45 – 55)
Teddy is dying of terminal cancer. The play explores the days leading up to his death and the days thereafter. Teddy is rather forthright and direct with his way of thinking, which sometimes can be challenging for his partner Jamie who is finding it difficult coming to terms with his inevitable death. Some may find the play quite triggering, if faced similar experiences of loss. The script will be shared in advance of accepting an offer for the role.